The cost of college is so out of whack that it would actually be cheaper to hire a personal tutor for every hour you’d spend in a college lecture.

by Justin Skycak (@justinskycak) on

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Seriously, the math works out:

Each semester you have, say, 5 classes, each with 3h of lecture per week? 15h/week? For like 16 weeks? So 240h total per semester? So 480h per year? Round up to 500h?

You could hire a \$50/hr tutor for all that time and it would run you \$25k. Or go find a grad student on campus who’s willing to do it for \$20 plus a slice of pizza. Now you’re down to \$10k.

So the sticker price of college tuition at a name-brand private university is $60k for what reason exactly?

(Even if you get half of that covered by scholarships, that’s still a whopping $30k, more than the price of individualized tutoring, and what you get out of it is a lecture that you could have just watched on YouTube? That’s a shit deal…)

It’s not like each professor is collecting $10k from every student in their classes and living it up like the Wolf of Wall Street on the weekends.

Where the hell does the money go? Does it just vanish into the bottomless pit of administrative bloat?

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