Q&A #3: Sophisticated vs trivial problems, when to learn coding, how I learned SQL
2024 Dec, 20m | What it means for a problem to be sophisticated, not made trivial by foundational knowledge. When is the best time to learn coding, at an early age or after you have some university-level math under your belt? How I learned to write, organize, and debug big-ass SQL queries.
Video Streams
I no longer have the bandwidth to answer most questions. However, I do periodic video streams where I pick a few questions to answer in depth.
Q&A #2: WMC, chunking subskills in LTM, writing down work, using/applying vs deriving/proving
2024 Nov, 1.5h | Understanding working memory capacity. Scaffolding new skills by chunking subskills into long-term memory. Why it's beneficial to write down your work. Why solving problems is necessary. Using/applying mathematical tools vs deriving/proving them. What's good vs inefficient in the standard math curriculum.
The Future of Multistep Tasks on Math Academy
2024 Nov, 35m | The primary key to motivation, goal-setting, understanding how to apply all the mad skills you’ve learned... it seems like it's all coming down to multisteps.
Demonstration of Setting Encompassing Weights
2024 Nov, 25m